EpiX superoxalloy abrasives replace aluminum oxide, silicon carbide and ceramics at a lower cost.

EpiX was created for demanding applications with zero tolerance for iron contamination and where surface quality, precision and ultra-high performance are paramount.

Schedule your EpiX Experience

Ready to put EpiX superoxalloys through the paces? Complete the form below and a member from the EpiX engineering team will contact you to schedule your EpiX Experience.

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Experience EpiX in Your Shop

The EpiX Experience lets you put superoxalloy abrasives through the paces. We’ll come to you. You’ll use your own people, processes, equipment, plus your own specific requirements and targets for surface appearance, quality, cost and production efficiency.

 Here’s how it works:

15-minute, EpiX Experience planning session to learn about your operation, applications and desired process improvements. We’ll identify suitable EpiX grades for your custom experience and schedule the on-site visit. 

 On-site EpiX Experience — A member from the EpiX Engineering Team (specialists in superoxalloy materials, equipment setup and blasting processes) will bring product and equipment to your shop. They’ll work hands-on with your professionals to adjust equipment, make measurements and share what they’ve learned about ultra-precision surface preparation.

How to get the most out of your EpiX Experience:

We’ll contribute the time, materials, expenses and our engineering team at no cost. We fully realize you’ll be investing time and resources as well. That said, it’s important to know what it will take to make the evaluation worth your while.

Your contribution to the EpiX Experience:

  A half day (or more) on your shop floor

  Blast equipment

 Key production, quality and manufacturing people: foreman, operator(s), plus those involved in abrasive purchase decision making

  Parts/materials for comparison blasting with EpiX superoxalloy abrasive

  Targets/specs and metrics for: appearance, quality, production rates, abrasive consumption, average labor cost and other production metrics

 45 minutes at the end for a recap and review of the results

 An OK for the EpiX team to capture photo/video 

  A willingness to consider new ideas and methods for running equipment and processes: turning down pot feed, trying different pressures, reducing dwell times, eliminating secondary cleaning/finishing and more

About EpiX superoxalloy abrasive

 Replaces aluminum oxide, silicon carbide and ceramics at a lower cost

 Produces a clean, consistent SP5 finish in every grade

 SSPC-AB 1 certified to be safe and effective

 Ideal for use on aluminum and other non-ferrous metals in high volume, demanding applications

 No risk of iron contamination

 Ultra-low dust

 Highly reusable (4-10+ uses depending on product grade and process conditions)

 Produces a uniformly bright, clean, aesthetic finish in one step – may reduce or eliminate secondary finishing steps

EpiX superoxalloy abrasives:

Ultra high-performance for demanding manufacturing applications. Replaces aluminum oxide, silicon carbide and ceramics at a lower cost.


Who currently uses superoxalloy abrasives today?

•  United States Navy (submarine parts and components)

•  Equipment manufacturers and fabricators

•  Commercial powder coaters

•  Turbine maintenance shops

Why haven’t I heard of EpiX Superoxalloy abrasive until now?

We launched EpiX superoxalloy abrasives in 2020 and have been building production capacity to meet growing demand. Over the past 18 months, we have been developing EpiX superoxalloy abrasive applications primarily with powder coaters and the Department of Defense. While we can’t talk specifics, we can tell you superoxalloy abrasives have been tested and validated to meet the military’s extreme surface quality and throughput demands. Today, our manufacturing lines can deliver DoD-quality EpiX abrasives in volume to supply the greater surface finishing industry. The best way for this expanded market of potential superoxalloy users to understand the benefits of this new category of abrasives is to experience it for themselves.

This seems like just an elaborate way to get your product in front of me and my production team. Is it?

Yes. We have learned that customers in specialty finishing businesses like yours have very high standards and have to see that the products meet or exceed those standards before risking a change to their processes. We’re offering to do just that, free of charge, because we’re confident that your future business will be better than it is today. We’ve seen it over and over again. You will be pleasantly surprised at how superoxalloy abrasives increase your quality and productivity while lowering your costs at the same time.

Why did I receive this offer?

We targeted America’s top shops within a low-shipping-cost proximity of our plant in Wabash, Indiana. Should you choose to use EpiX abrasives, you’ll already know the abrasives are in stock and available and that you’ll get the lowest delivery rates.

What is a superoxalloy abrasive?

An engineered alloy of oxide minerals created through highly controlled formulation and tempering (high heat + rapid cooling). The process creates non-crystalline (amorphous) particles that resist breakage under the stress of high-speed mechanical impact. Superoxalloy abrasives are polymorphous, meaning “many shapes.” Look at EpiX under a microscope and you’ll see angular, sub-angular, sub-rounded and rounded particles. Each shape can perform different tasks in a surface preparation job. That’s why EpiX can perform multiple processes in one blasting step.

1162 Manchester Ave

Wabash, IN 46992

[email protected]

(260) 209-1207

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