What Is Silicosis?

According to the American Lung Association, Silicosis is a type of pulmonary fibrosis, a lung disease caused by inhalation of free crystalline silica, specifically the respirable fraction of the dust. Silicosis affects people in various industries, and silica sand is...

What Size Blast Hose Should I Choose?

Overview of Blast Hose Sizing Choosing the right sandblasting hose size is crucial for efficient and effective surface treatment. Whether you’re looking to select the optimal sandblasting hose size or searching for a useful size chart, this guide will help you make...

Do 10X Abrasives Contain Too Much Beryllium?

An open letter to the blasting community: I am honored to be the CEO and a co-founder of 10X Engineered Materials. Our entire extended team, from our factory workers to our board chairman and investors, is dedicated to a mission of breakthrough innovation and...