Understanding the Safety & Benefits of 10X Abrasives and Addressing Beryllium Misconceptions

Watch this insightful webinar where we will address and debunk common misconceptions about the safety of 10X superoxalloy abrasives, particularly concerning beryllium content. Stephen M. Ricci, PhD, CEO of 10X Engineered Materials, presents comprehensive data and findings from extensive toxicological studies, demonstrating the proven safety and superior performance of our products.

Key Topics

  • The truth about beryllium levels in 10X abrasives and other mineral abrasives
  • Insights from decades of human and animal exposure studies on mineral wool dust
  • Why 10X abrasives are among the safest and most effective on the market
  • Understanding the misleading data presented by competitors
  • How to ensure a safe blasting environment with proper dust management


Who Should Watch:

  • Blasting industry professionals and workers
  • Health and safety managers
  • Environmental and occupational health researchers
  • Industry regulators and policymakers
  • Anyone interested in abrasive technology and improving worker safety