Sandblasting is an umbrella term for a variety of surface preparation processes. Also known as abrasive blasting, it propels a stream of solid particles against a surface using compressed air or water at extremely high speeds and pressure.
Sandblasting is part of the surface treatment process in various manufacturing and metal finishing projects, including die-casting.
Can Cast Aluminum Be Sandblasted?
It is possible to sandblast cast aluminum and achieve desirable outcomes. Sandblasting is valuable in die-casting operations for a variety of reasons, as it provides:
- Surface preparation: Removing dirt, oil, paintings, coatings and other contaminants from the surface
- Surface treatment: Enhancing the surface by altering its finish for better adhesion during mechanical bonding
- Defect removal: Removing unwanted surface residues left behind during the die-casting process
- Residual stress relief: Relieving stress on the die-cast parts to reduce the likelihood of cracking or failure
- Aesthetic enhancement: Creating a uniform texture and finish on aluminum die-cast parts, such as consumer products, for better visual appeal
While surface treatment is necessary for die-casting projects, it’s important to note that sandblasting is only recommended for cast aluminum parts with the use of specific abrasives. The sandblasting process may be too powerful for some die-cast components to handle, so careful consideration is recommended to ensure precise outcomes.
Types of Abrasives Used in Sandblasting
There are different types of abrasives suitable for die-cast aluminum sandblasting. Knowing the correct type of abrasive to use is crucial to ensuring the quality of your project. An overly harsh abrasive could ruin the metal parts, while one that is too soft might not achieve your desired results. 10X Engineered Materials has the right abrasives for aluminum sandblasting.
Our EpiX superoxalloys are manufactured to have smaller, stronger abrasive particles for effective blasting. They produce a clean finish without the need for further scraping, burnoff, or chemical strippers. For aluminum die-cast sandblasting, we have:
- EpiX LP: Offers a uniform enhanced profile (.5 to 1.5 mil) designed for softer metals like aluminum or workpieces with ultralow profile requirements.
- EpiX MP: Offers a uniform medium profile (1.5 to 2.0 mil) that effectively removes surface oil, dirt, grease, and coatings.
Benefits of Using 10X Superoxalloys
10X Engineered Materials’ superoxalloys are biosoluble oxide minerals created through highly controlled formulation and tempering. Our superoxalloys are byproducts of mineral wool insulation, which creates a more durable, environmentally friendly abrasive. These products offer a wide range of benefits, including:

- Quality: Our EpiX superoxalloys have very low abrasive embedment, meaning there is less likelihood that their particles will get lodged in the blasted surface. This design leaves a higher-quality finish than other abrasives.
- Safety: Our products are the only industrial abrasive material officially declared by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer to not be classified as carcinogenic to humans. They are tested and proven to be biosoluble and cleared from the lungs in a short time.
- Speed: Our EpiX abrasive particles are shatter-resistant, allowing each particle to deliver most of its energy to the surface and enabling faster blasting speeds.
- Cost-efficiency: Our products have a lower total cost per square foot of area blasted, offering users greater cost-efficiency. EpiX also lasts longer than most other abrasive materials on the market.
High-Quality Abrasives for Your Sandblasting Needs
10X Engineered Materials is a reliable supplier of premium-quality abrasives for an extensive range of industrial applications. Our engineered superoxalloys allow users to optimize their blasting systems for excellent results. Whether you’re looking for abrasives for die-cast cleaning or sandblasting, let our experts help you make an engineered decision. Contact us today for product recommendations.