Onboarding Form

10X Onboarding Form

Our goal is to help you save time and money with innovative abrasive solutions. And that starts with knowing how we can best serve you. Please fill out this form so we know how best to help you. Remember, the first blast is the worst blast, but after 30 days of use and overcoming the learning curve with our four performance enhancement meetings and training, you’ll laugh about how you used to use less efficient abrasives.

Are you open to learning more about our subscription service and long-term contract discounts?
What is your preferred method of communication?
Monthly performance support follow-up (after month 1)
Future order preferences
Would you or your team like to be invited to our occasional free added-value webinars about increasing your blasting productivity and getting the most out of your 10X products?
Are you open to participating in a case study on how the material increases productivity in your business? If so, we are willing to give you 10% off of freight for your second order in appreciation.