The U.S. NAVY blasted with superoxalloy abrasives on the USS Texas in just a few areas and used coal slag data as the comparison. Areas blasted were the sanitary tanks, Water Round Torpedo, and the Vertical Launch System. What follows are the summary of results.
- 65% to 80% reduction in blasting task schedule days
- Dramatic increase in productive nozzle time
- Noticeably higher blast speeds on FastClad removal
- No second brush blasts for flash rust removal as there were no flash rust blooms
- 80% reduction in total task costs
- 61 man-days of labor savings
- 70% decrease in abrasive disposal costs
- SSPC-SP5 finish (100% clean white metal)
- The blast held for 14 days without rust bloom formation, and this was without any dehumidification
- Uniform and consistent surface profiles
- Nearly zero abrasive particle embedment even when observed under magnification