Sandblasting Field reports

Field reports

US NAVY Blasts With 10X Superoxalloy Abrasives On The USS Texas

US NAVY Blasts With 10X Superoxalloy Abrasives On The USS Texas

The U.S. NAVY blasted with superoxalloy abrasives on the USS Texas in just a few areas and used coal slag data as the comparison. Areas blasted were the sanitary tanks, Water Round Torpedo, and the Vertical Launch System. What follows are the summary of...

10X Abrasives Solves Threat of Shipyard Shutdown Due to Dust

10X Abrasives Solves Threat of Shipyard Shutdown Due to Dust

Complaints from shipyard neighbors about abrasive dust threatened to end blasting operations during daytime hours. In search of a solution, the shipyard implemented two ideas from the 10X technical support team 1.) Try 10X Superoxalloy Abrasive 2.) Slightly Modify the...

Prevent Flash Rust on Blasted Steel with 10X Superoxalloy Abrasives

Prevent Flash Rust on Blasted Steel with 10X Superoxalloy Abrasives

The challenge: Flash rust after blasting steel can be a major scheduling challenge and cost drain for surface preparation and painting contractors. Painters have to be ready to come in right behind blasters to make sure surfaces are coated before flash rusting starts.